I am not at all sure what "blogging" is all about. I post comments, poems, links in the apparant black hole of the internet.
Then I "publish" that stuff to my universe of "followers," which numbers, like, four. How powerful.
Then the "followers" may or may not look at my blog, and rarely -- no -- less than rarely, make a comment.
1. What is the purpose of a blog?
2. Does anyone read them?
3. How do people know it exists?
4. Where do the "followers" come from?
Now, if I really thought that I might reach lots and lots of good people to read my poetry, comment, add...I would "blog-away!" But it seems to me to be too much effort for little to no feedback.
Comments?? Please?
Blogs are like online diaries in my opinion. It's just another area for people to...talk. Followers come from the the network of other blogs/whatever.
I'm not a follower since I don't have my own account but I can see when you post it to facebook and I'll read it. I read "Joe's" blog regularly. This is KP.
Good luck.
I think if Mark Twain were alive he too would be a blogger. Yes the blogger-sphere can seem like a black hole. Billions & billions... semingly endless space, time...
Love your poetry. There's an application u* can somehow apply, that will count your blog hits, & then u* will know from where in the world your visitors come from. My son Zac added that for me. It creates an awesome view of connecting w/ the world.
Johnnie- It takes a while to build a readership, but it's like that old shampoo commercial- "they tell two people, and so on, and so on, and so on." Find other poetry blogs, leave a comment with a link to your blog, it catches fire...and soon, you have more followers, more people turned to your work.
I us the blog to vent, update, network for potential readers of the book should it ever see the light of day.
It's a great way to make fun of my poodles, too.
Joey from Brooklyn
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