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Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Wild Goose Poetry Review

A couple of new poems just out in The Wild Goose Poetry Review, a magazine that has always been very supportive of my work, which I appreciate greatly.

Thanks for reading.


Links To Some Magazines

I have added the links to several magazines in which my poems have appeared. These journals feature an online component along with their print edition. I've included the link to RATTLE; the other links can be found in Favorite Stops.

Thanks for reading.


Saturday, February 26, 2011


At about 3 a.m. I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light just in time to see a deer mouse scamper across the floor and disappear into a space that I would have a hard time slipping a piece of paper into. It was impressive.

They're here. I know they're here. And I've purchased the traps. I just can't seem to get myself to set them.

So I did the next best thing..... ;)

I wrote a poem.


I hear them in the walls
after night’s dark heart starts beating
and snow’s enormous silence
finally settles down in moonlight.
From their nests
of soup labels and candle wax,
thread and onion skins,
they open their small eyes;
silence has touched them
to say night has come,
it’s safe now,
and the tiny, voracious mechanism
of their hunger
turns away from nothing.
They even eat the sweet, soft glue
that binds my books,
and later the pages themselves,
whole chapters,
while I dream that they’ve nibbled
the soft edges of sleep,
and entered in droves,
thousands of them
pouring through the holes they’ve made,
laughing and running
upright on their hind legs,
bigger than me,
speaking in tongues
a language I understand,
showing me how they do it,
spreading their wings
and flying straight up out of sight.


By the way, thank you Joey, KP, Cheryl for commenting on my last post; you made it feel worthwhile.

Friday, February 25, 2011


I am not at all sure what "blogging" is all about. I post comments, poems, links in the apparant black hole of the internet.

Then I "publish" that stuff to my universe of "followers," which numbers, like, four. How powerful.

Then the "followers" may or may not look at my blog, and rarely -- no -- less than rarely, make a comment.


1. What is the purpose of a blog?
2. Does anyone read them?
3. How do people know it exists?
4. Where do the "followers" come from?

Now, if I really thought that I might reach lots and lots of good people to read my poetry, comment, add...I would "blog-away!" But it seems to me to be too much effort for little to no feedback.

Comments?? Please?

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Thanks to Joe and Sam

Thanks to Joe and Sam, I'm going to give this "blog-thing" another go. It really felt like I'd write it, and then my entire readership would be me. Pretty pointless. Anyway. Thanks, guys. We'll see.